Music Taste Analysis¶
When I met my first girlfriend's friends for the first time, somebody innocently tried to make conversation with me by asking my music taste. I clammed up. How could I answer such a complicated question convincingly? There are so many things! I became annoyed with myself for not knowing what to say, not even any genre names. How uncool. My frustration leaked out, and my then-girlfriend later told me someone had asked what was wrong with me. (Hi, Sam.)
But now when someone asks, I have the perfect answer. "Would you like to see my data analysis!?" Enjoy lol.
How to Use¶
My first pass at this depended upon Watsonbox's Exportify, but I decided I didn't like his version because of bugs and inadequate output detail. So I went and forked it, cleaned up the code, and hosted it myself.
As such, the code here depends on .csv
inputs in the format output by my version.
- To get started, hop on over there, sign in to Spotify to give the app access to your playlists, and export whatever you like.
- Next, either download this
file and run the notebook yourself or launch it in Binder. - Either put the downloaded
in the same directory as the notebook, or upload it in Binder. - Open the
through your browser, update thefilename
variable in the first code cell to point to your playlist instead, andshift+enter
in each following code cell to generate the corresponding plot. (Or selectCell
->Run All
from the menu to make all graphs at once.)
Read the Data¶
For years I've been accumulating my favorite songs in a single master playlist called music that tickles my fancy
. It's thousands of songs. This is what I'll be analyzing. Let's take a look at the first few rows to get a sense of what we're dealing with.
filename = 'music_that_tickles_my_fancy.csv'
from matplotlib import pyplot
import seaborn
import pandas
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.stats import pareto, gamma
from datetime import date
# read the data
data = pandas.read_csv(filename)
print("total songs:", data.shape[0])
total songs: 5256 Spotify ID Artist IDs \ 0 3T9HSgS5jBFdXIBPav51gj 0nJvyjVTb8sAULPYyA1bqU,5yxyJsFanEAuwSM5kOuZKc 1 2bdZDXDoFLzazaomjzoER8 1P6U1dCeHxPui5pIrGmndZ 2 1fE3ddAlmjJ99IIfLgZjTy 0id62QV2SZZfvBn9xpmuCl Track Name \ 0 Fanfare for the Common Man 1 Highschool Lover 2 I Need a Dollar Album Name \ 0 Copland Conducts Copland - Expanded Edition (F... 1 Virgin Suicides 2 I Need A Dollar Artist Name(s) Release Date Duration (ms) \ 0 Aaron Copland,London Symphony Orchestra 1963 196466 1 Air 2000 162093 2 Aloe Blacc 2010-03-16 244373 Popularity Added By Added At ... Key Loudness \ 0 32 spotify:user:pvlkmrv 2014-12-28T00:57:17Z ... 10 -15.727 1 0 spotify:user:pvlkmrv 2014-12-28T00:59:35Z ... 1 -15.025 2 0 spotify:user:pvlkmrv 2014-12-28T01:03:38Z ... 8 -11.829 Mode Speechiness Acousticness Instrumentalness Liveness Valence \ 0 1 0.0381 0.986 0.954 0.0575 0.0377 1 0 0.0302 0.952 0.959 0.2520 0.0558 2 0 0.0387 0.178 0.000 0.0863 0.9620 Tempo Time Signature 0 104.036 4 1 130.052 4 2 95.509 4 [3 rows x 23 columns]
Artist Bar Chart¶
Number of songs binned by artist.
# count songs per artist
artists = defaultdict(int)
for i,song in data.iterrows():
if isinstance(song['Artist Name(s)'], str):
for musician in song['Artist Name(s)'].split(','):
artists[musician] += 1
# sort for chart
artists = pandas.DataFrame(artists.items(), columns=['Artist', 'Num Songs']
).sort_values('Num Songs', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
print("number of unique artists:", artists.shape[0])
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 6))['Artist'], artists['Num Songs'])
number of unique artists: 2612
Note I've attributed songs with multiple artists to multiple bars, so the integral here is the number of unique song-artist pairs, not just the number of songs.
It seems to follow a Pareto distribution. Let's try to fit one.
# Let's find the best parameters. Need x, y data 'sampled' from the distribution for
# parameter fit.
y = []
for i in range(artists.shape[0]):
for j in range(artists['Num Songs'][i]):
y.append(i) # just let y have index[artist] repeated for each song
# sanity check. If the dataframe isn't sorted properly, y isn't either.
#pyplot.hist(y, bins=30)
# The documentation is pretty bad, but this is okay:
# ones-with-scipy-python
param =, 100)
pareto_fitted = len(y)*pareto.pdf(range(artists.shape[0]), *param)
# param = # gamma fits abysmally; see for yourself by uncommenting
# gamma_fitted = len(y)*gamma.pdf(range(artists.shape[0]), *param)
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 6))['Artist'], artists['Num Songs'])
pyplot.plot(pareto_fitted, color='r')
#pyplot.plot(gamma_fitted, color='g')
Best fit is still too sharp for the data, and I tried for a good long while to get it to fit better, so I conclude this doesn't quite fit a power law.
Let's plot the top 50 artists so we can actually read who they are.
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 10))['Artist'][:50], artists['Num Songs'][:50])
pyplot.title('top 50');
Volume Added Over Time¶
My proclivity to add songs to this playlist is a proxy for my interest in listening to music generally. How has it waxed and waned over time?
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
register_matplotlib_converters() # to suppress warning
# Plot of added volume over time
parse_date = lambda d:(int(d[:4]), int(d[5:7]), int(d[8:10]))
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
pyplot.hist([date(*parse_date(d)) for d in data['Added At']], bins=30)
pyplot.title('volume added over time');
The initial spike is from when I first stared using Spotify as the home for this collection and manually added hundreds from my previous list.
Eclecticness Measure (Frequency Transform)¶
This one is a personal favorite. I want to know how many of my songs are one-offs from that artist for me--just individual pieces I found fantastic and ended up adding after a few listens--, how many are two-offs, et cetera. I know it must be heavily skewed toward the low numbers.
# bar chart of first bar chart == hipster diversity factor
frequency = defaultdict(int)
for n in artists['Num Songs']:
frequency[n] += n
frequency = pandas.DataFrame(frequency.items(), columns=['Unique Count', 'Volume']
).sort_values('Volume', ascending=False)
print("number of song-artist pairs represented in the eclecticness chart:",
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 6))['Unique Count'].values, frequency['Volume'].values)
pyplot.title('volume of songs binned by |songs from that artist|')
pyplot.xlabel('quasi-frequency domain')
number of song-artist pairs represented in the eclecticness chart: 5973
So, yes, it's much more common for an artist to make it in my list a few times than many times. In fact, the plurality of my top songs come from unique artists.
Conversely, this view also makes stark those few musicians from whom I've collected dozens.
Note that here, as in the artist bar charts, some songs are doubly-counted, because in cases artists collaborated I listed the song in both bins.
Genres Bar Chart¶
Alright, enough messing around. All the above were possible with the output from Watsonbox's Exportify. Let's get to the novel stuff you came here for.
People describe music by genre. As we'll see, genre names are flippin' hilarious and extremely varied, but in theory if I cluster around a few, that should give you a flavor of my tastes.
# count songs per genre
genres = defaultdict(int)
for i,song in data.iterrows():
if type(song['Genres']) is str: # some times there aren't any, and this is NaN
for genre in song['Genres'].split(','):
if len(genre) > 0: # empty string seems to be a legit genre
genres[genre] += 1
# sort for chart
genres = pandas.DataFrame(genres.items(), columns=['Genre', 'Num Songs']
).sort_values('Num Songs', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
print("number of unique genres:", genres.shape[0])
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 6))['Genre'], genres['Num Songs'])
pyplot.title('All the genera');
number of unique genres: 1138
So many! Let's do the same thing as with the artists and for giggles see if it fits a power law.
y = []
for i in range(genres.shape[0]):
for j in range(genres['Num Songs'][i]):
# sanity check
#pyplot.hist(y, bins=30)
param =, 100)
pareto_fitted = len(y)*pareto.pdf(range(genres.shape[0]), *param)
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 6))['Genre'], genres['Num Songs'])
pyplot.plot(pareto_fitted, color='r')
pyplot.title('All the genera');
Still too sharp, but fits better than with the artists.
Let's look at the top 50 so we can read the names.
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 10))['Genre'][:50], genres['Num Songs'][:50])
pyplot.title('top 50');
"Indie poptimism" lol. wtf? "Dreamo", "Vapor soul", "Freak folk", "Tropical house", "Post-grunge", "Hopebeat", "Noise pop", "Mellow gold"
These are too good. Next time someone asks me my music taste, I'm definitely using these.
If these are the most popular names, what are the really unique ones at the bottom of the chart?
pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 1))['Genre'][-50:], genres['Num Songs'][-50:])
pyplot.title('bottom 50');
"hauntology", "psychadelic folk", "stomp and whittle", "dark trap", "filthstep", "shamanic", "deep underground hip hop", "future garage"
That was fun.
Release Dates¶
Which era of music do I prefer?
years = defaultdict(int)
for i,song in data.iterrows():
if isinstance(song['Release Date'], str): # somebody found a NaN release date!
years[song['Release Date'][:4]] += 1
years = pandas.DataFrame(years.items(), columns=['Year', 'Num Songs']
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 6))['Year'], years['Num Songs'])
pyplot.xticks(years['Year'], [y if i % 2 == 0 else '' for i,y in enumerate(years['Year'])], rotation=80)
pyplot.title('Songs per year');
It seems to follow a Gamma distribution! This makes sense because I'm more likely to have heard things that are nearer me in time, and it takes a while for them to get through my process and become favorites.
Let's fit that gamma to the time-reversed data.
# Some years are missing, so transform to a dataframe that covers full time period.
eldest = int(years['Year'].values[0])
youngest = int(years['Year'].values[-1])
missing_years = [str(x) for x in range(eldest+1, youngest) if
str(x) not in years['Year'].values]
ago = pandas.concat((years, pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(
{'Year': missing_years, 'Num Songs': [0 for x in range(len(missing_years))]})
)).sort_values('Year', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
y = []
for i in range(ago.shape[0]):
for j in range(int(ago['Num Songs'][i])):
# sanity check histogram to make sure I'm constructing y properly
#pyplot.hist(y, bins=30)
param =, 10000)
gamma_fitted = len(y)*gamma.pdf(range(ago.shape[0]), *param)
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 6))['Year'])), ago['Num Songs'])
pyplot.plot(gamma_fitted, color='g')
pyplot.xlabel('Years Ago')
pyplot.title('Songs per year (in absolute time)');
print('Oldest Hall of Fame')
print(data[['Track Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Release Date']].sort_values(
'Release Date')[:10])
Oldest Hall of Fame Track Name \ 2990 That's Amore 2950 Autumn Nocturne 3748 The Elements (Music By Sir Arthur Sullivan) 2421 Take Five 3136 Skating In Central Park 3105 I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry - Rudy V... 4262 Oye Cómo Va 2630 Stand By Me 0 Fanfare for the Common Man 3188 In A Sentimental Mood Artist Name(s) Release Date 2990 Dean Martin,Dick Stabile And His Orchestra 1954 2950 Lou Donaldson 1958 3748 Tom Lehrer 1959-01-01 2421 The Dave Brubeck Quartet 1959-12-14 3136 Bill Evans,Jim Hall 1962 3105 Dexter Gordon 1962 4262 Tito Puente 1962-01-01 2630 Ben E. King 1962-08-20 0 Aaron Copland,London Symphony Orchestra 1963 3188 Duke Ellington,John Coltrane 1963-02
Pretty good fit! I seem to be extra partial to music from about 5 years ago. We'll see whether the present or maybe the further past catches up.
Popularity Contest¶
I was happy to find popularity listed as a field in Spotify's track JSON. It's a percentile between 0 and 100, rather than an absolute number of plays. Still, it can be used to give a notion of how hipster I am.
popularity = defaultdict(int)
for i,song in data.iterrows():
popularity[song['Popularity']] += 1
popularity = pandas.DataFrame(popularity.items(), columns=['Popularity', 'Num Songs']
pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 6))['Popularity'].values, popularity['Num Songs'].values)
pyplot.title('popularity distribution');
print("Average song popularity: ", popularity['Popularity'].mean())
print("Median song popularity: ", popularity['Popularity'].median())
print("Max song popularity: ", popularity['Popularity'].max())
Average song popularity: 44.0 Median song popularity: 44.0 Max song popularity: 88
pyplot.hist(data['Duration (ms)']/1000, bins=50);
pyplot.xlabel('Duration (s)')
pyplot.ylabel('Num Songs')
pyplot.title('Histogram of song lengths')
mean = data['Duration (ms)'].mean()/1000
median = data['Duration (ms)'].median()/1000
print("Average song length: " + str(int(mean//60)) + (":" if mean%60 >=10 else ":0")
+ str(mean%60))
print("Median song length: " + str(int(median//60)) + (":" if median%60 >=10 else ":0")
+ str(median%60))
Average song length: 4:02.6681554414003017 Median song length: 3:52.64099999999999
Median is lower than the mean, so I'm skewed right. That is, I like a few really long songs. What are they?
print("Longest Hall of Fame:")
print(data[['Track Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Release Date', 'Duration (ms)']].sort_values(
'Duration (ms)', ascending=False)[:10])
Longest Hall of Fame: Track Name \ 5244 Echoes 3155 Concierto De Aranjuez 691 Irene 1912 The Return of the King (From The Lord of the R... 4232 Boléro (Ravel) 460 The Cure For Pain 2349 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-5) 140 Two Step - Live At Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA ... 5062 Rivers 3474 Má vlast (My Country): No. 2, Vltava [Moldau] Artist Name(s) Release Date \ 5244 Pink Floyd 1971-11-11 3155 Jim Hall 1974 691 Beach House 2012-05-15 1912 The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 2004-01-01 4232 London Symphony Orchestra 1995 460 mewithoutYou 2002-01-01 2349 Pink Floyd 1975-09-12 140 Dave Matthews Band 2007-12-11 5062 Tarek Musa 2010-01-30 3474 Bedřich Smetana,Polish National Radio Symphony... 1994-08-05 Duration (ms) 5244 1412451 3155 1154040 691 1017013 1912 976893 4232 934067 460 908840 2349 811077 140 808226 5062 807437 3474 794000
Musical Features¶
In the interest of understanding user tastes and providing the best possible music recommendations, Spotify has done some really sophisticated analysis of actual track content, which has only gotten more extensive in recent years. Music is a time series, but most similarity metrics (and most ML methods generally) require inputs to be vectors, that is: points in some feature-space. So they've transformed the tracks to numerical metrics like Energy and Valence (continuous) and Key (discrete).
For the continuous metrics, here are distributions for my songs.
for i,category in enumerate(['Tempo', 'Acousticness', 'Instrumentalness', 'Liveness',
'Valence', 'Speechiness', 'Loudness', 'Energy', 'Danceability']):
pyplot.subplot(3, 3, i+1)
pyplot.hist(data[category], bins=30)
pyplot.text(pyplot.xlim()[1] - (pyplot.xlim()[1] - pyplot.xlim()[0])*0.3,
pyplot.ylim()[1]*0.9, r'$\mu=$'+str(data[category].mean())[:7], fontsize=12)
pyplot.ylabel('Num Songs')
My Valence is somewhat negatively skewed; do I have an affinity for sadder songs?
Now let's look at the discrete music features.
pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 1)
seaborn.countplot(data, x='Time Signature', hue='Time Signature', legend=False)
pyplot.xlabel('Beats per bar')
pyplot.ylabel('Num Songs')
pyplot.title('Time Signature')
pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 2)
seaborn.countplot(data, x='Key', hue='Key', palette='husl', legend=False)
pyplot.xticks(ticks=pyplot.xticks()[0], labels=['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'])
pyplot.ylabel('Num Songs')
pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 3)
seaborn.countplot(data, x='Mode', hue='Mode', legend=False)
pyplot.xticks(ticks=pyplot.xticks()[0], labels=['minor', 'major'])
pyplot.ylabel('Num Songs')
pyplot.title('Major vs Minor Key');
Musicians seem to favor C major and eschew D#. More than a third of my songs are in a minor key. I don't have a baseline to compare against here, but this might contribute to my lower Valence.
Looks like the vast majority of my music is 4/4 time with a good few in 3/4. I wasn't even aware there were any with 5 beats. What are those?
print('5:\n', data.loc[data['Time Signature']==5][
['Track Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Release Date']][:20])
5: Track Name \ 76 Yachts - A Man Called Adam mix 120 Good Morning Fire Eater 223 Carry On 233 Vanishing Grace 244 Elysium 273 Lately 386 Evenstar 447 Make A Fist 459 (B) 567 Animals 726 All That Remains 734 Crush The Camera 1061 Cold Sparks 1162 You Are Gonna Die 1188 Everything in Its Right Place 1193 The Tourist 1194 I Am Citizen Insane 1835 Have I Always Loved You? 1973 Resonance 2135 Pray Artist Name(s) Release Date 76 Coco Steel Lovebomb 2000-10-31 120 Copeland 2008-01-01 223 fun. 2012-02-21 233 Gustavo Santaolalla 2013-06-07 244 Klaus Badelt,Lisa Gerrard,Gavin Greenaway,The ... 2000-04-25 273 Memoryhouse 2011-09-13 386 Howard Shore 2002-12-02 447 Phantogram 2011 459 mewithoutYou 2002-01-01 567 Muse 2012-09-24 726 Rogue Wave 2010 734 Rogue Wave 2005-08-23 1061 Mutemath 2011-09-30 1162 Marc Streitenfeld 2011 1188 Radiohead 2000-10-02 1193 Radiohead 1997-06-17 1194 Radiohead 2003-06-09 1835 Copeland 2014-11-17 1973 Home 2014-07-01 2135 Sam Smith 2017-10-06
Make A Fist is totally 5/4, and so is Animals. Funny how I didn't notice the strange energetic time signature until now. But Carry On is definitely 4/4, as is Yachts, and Pray is 6/8. So Spotify's algorithm isn't perfect at this, which is expected.
What are 0 and 1?
print('0:\n', data.loc[data['Time Signature']==0][
['Track Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Release Date']][:10])
print('\n1:\n', data.loc[data['Time Signature']==1][
['Track Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Release Date']][:20])
0: Track Name Artist Name(s) Release Date 1364 Small Memory Jon Hopkins 2009-05-05 1: Track Name \ 71 Clair De Lune 119 Top Of The Hill 227 I Am the Very Model of a Modern 239 The Last of Us (You and Me) 362 Bowery 503 The Eternal City 564 Prelude 601 Þú ert jörðin 604 Raein 1278 Campfire Song Song 1330 Mylo Xyloto 1370 Anagram 1915 The Fellowship (From The Lord of the Rings: Th... 1955 Monsoon 1999 Meet Me in the Woods 2037 Only Songs 2181 Old Casino 2194 Work This Time 2591 I Don't Think So 2670 Other Worlds Artist Name(s) Release Date 71 Claude Debussy 2014-10-13 119 Conduits 2013-04-16 227 The Pirates Of Penzance 1983-02-18 239 Gustavo Santaolalla,Alan Umstead 2013-06-07 362 Local Natives 2013-01-29 503 Michele McLaughlin 2007-12-04 564 Muse 2012-09-24 601 Ólafur Arnalds 2010-05-07 604 Ólafur Arnalds 2009-08-28 1278 Spongebob Squarepants 2009-07-14 1330 Coldplay 2011-10-24 1370 Young the Giant 2014-01-17 1915 The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 2004-01-01 1955 Hippo Campus 2017-02-24 1999 Lord Huron 2015-04-07 2037 The Wild Reeds 2017-04-07 2181 Coastgaard 2016-02-26 2194 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 2014-03-07 2591 Ben Phipps 2016-09-30 2670 Bassnectar,Dorfex Bos 2017-12-01
Looks like there is only one song with 0 time signature. It's a piano piece with a tempo that rises and falls. This category might be for variable tempo, or unknown.
Claire De Lune is 9/8 time, so sort of waltzish but not really.
The Major General's Song is 4/4, but there are some stops in there and a lot of speaking, so I understand how that might be difficult to pick out. Same with Campfire Song Song lol.
Top of the Hill really sounds like 7/4 to me (1-2-123 sort of beat).
Þú ert jörðin is actually properly 1/4 time according to the internet, and relistening I understand how that could be the case. It's like there are little riffs each bar following a quadruplet pattern, but the major beats really only come every bar.
The Last of Us (You and Me) seems similar. It might be properly 1/4 time.
So it looks like this category is for actual single beats and unusual time signatures that Spotify isn't sure what to do with.
Joint Analysis¶
I mostly just want to showcase what's possible. Let's plot Energy and Popularity together to see whether there is a relationship.
x = 'Energy'
y = 'Popularity'
axes = seaborn.jointplot(x=data[x], y=data[y], kind='hex', color='r')
axes.set_axis_labels(x, y, fontsize=20);
The density is pretty scattered, doesn't the whole plot, meaning the relationship here is actually pretty weak. Surprising.
The Final Frontier¶
Finally, I'm going to follow this guy's example and feed the dimension-reduced data to a one-class SVM to get a sense of what the frontier of my normal taste looks like in that space, heat-map-of-the-universe-style.
t-SNE is a method for visualizing high-dimensional data in low-dimension. Songs which are more alike will be nearer each other in the feature space, but we can't visualize a space with that many dimensions. What we can do is reconstitute the points in 2D, attempting to preserve the pairwise distances, the notions of similarity, between songs.
show_percent = 2
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from random import random
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM
import numpy
# Create a dataframe of only the numerical features, all normalized so embedding
# doesn't get confused by scale differences
numerical_data = data.drop(['Spotify ID', 'Artist IDs', 'Track Name',
'Album Name', 'Artist Name(s)', 'Added By', 'Added At',
'Genres'], axis=1)
numerical_data['Release Date'] = pandas.to_numeric(
numerical_data['Release Date'].str.slice(0,4))
numerical_data = (numerical_data - numerical_data.mean())/numerical_data.std()
print('using:', list(numerical_data.columns))
# If you like, only include a subset of these, because the results with all
# is really hard to interpret
#tsne_data = numerical_data[['Popularity', 'Energy', 'Acousticness',
# 'Valence', 'Loudness']]
#print("\nConsidering similarity with respect to the following features:")
# Takes a 2D data embedding and an svm trained on it and plots the decision boundary
def plotFrontier(embedded, svm, technique_name, scale):
# get all the points in the space, and query the svm on them
xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(min(embedded[:,0])*scale,
max(embedded[:,0])*scale, 500),
max(embedded[:,1])*scale, 500))
Z = svm.decision_function(numpy.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # positive Z means yes. negative means outliers.
pyplot.title('Decision boundary of One-class SVM in '+technique_name+' space')
pyplot.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=numpy.linspace(Z.min(), 0, 7),
pyplot.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors='green') # the +/- boundary
pyplot.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0, Z.max()], colors='lightgreen')
pyplot.scatter(embedded[:, 0], embedded[:, 1], s=10, c='grey')
for i,song in data.iterrows():
if random() < show_percent*0.01: # randomly label % of points
#if song['Artist Name(s)'] in ['Coldplay']:
x, y = embedded[i]
pyplot.annotate(song['Track Name'], (x,y), size=10,
xytext=(-30,30), textcoords='offset points',
arrowprops={'arrowstyle':'->', 'color':'red'})
tsne_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(numerical_data)
svm_tsne = OneClassSVM(gamma='scale')
plotFrontier(tsne_embedded, svm_tsne, 't-SNE', 1.2)
using: ['Release Date', 'Duration (ms)', 'Popularity', 'Danceability', 'Energy', 'Key', 'Loudness', 'Mode', 'Speechiness', 'Acousticness', 'Instrumentalness', 'Liveness', 'Valence', 'Tempo', 'Time Signature']
The point scatter looks really different every time this runs, because it's stochastic. The clusters don't necessarily have sensible interpretations, though you might be able to label a few of them. It's good to see some notionally similar pieces ending up near each other. You can try this with a subset of these dimensions to try to make the result more interpretable.
Modifying the parameters of the SVM changes its fit significantly, so I'm not sure this is the best model. Gamma too large just clearly overfits the data. Gamma too small just makes the decision boundary a boring ellipse. Using gamma='scale'
as the docs recommend is a more interesting middle ground, but still the SVM seems to believe that a great many of the songs I love fall outside the boundary.
I'll try a different dimensionality reduction technique. The original author uses Principle Component Analysis to feed the SVM.
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
pca_embedded = pca.fit_transform(numerical_data)
print("% variance explained by successive PCA dimensions:",
svm_pca = OneClassSVM(gamma='scale')
plotFrontier(pca_embedded, svm_pca, 'PCA', 1)
% variance explained by successive PCA dimensions: [0.21916295 0.09249043]
Ideally, songs falling nearer the center here, like Cheeseburger in Paradise and RAC's We Belong, are those that most characterize my taste numerically, and the odd ones, like Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb and The Fellowship of the Ring orchestral suite, fall on the outside.
So in the end my music taste is a blob that doesn't even fit the data very well. And that's the point: Like many things, it's too complicated to boil down. You can't answer the question fully. But understanding elements of the answer can aid the process of discovery, and that's valuable. It's why Spotify is such a force at music recommendation. It's why Data Science.